
Accepted items: Styrofoam shipping packaging, Styrofoam food packaging
Not accepted: Containers contaminated with food, organics


Collect with large bags

Collect with large Zero Waste Bags

Recycle Styrofoam by using our large Zero Waste Bag. Make sure to check off the “Styrofoam” checkbox on the front of the Zero Waste Bag. When the Zero Waste Bag is full, seal it, then scan the QR code or log in to your account to schedule a pickup. Place the Zero Waste Bag on your doorstep, and we’ll pick it up at the scheduled time.

Buy large Zero Waste Bags

How we recycle


Learn more about how we recycle Styrofoam 

Each bag is opened upon receipt and visually inspected for any non-compliant materials, then consolidated for processing in bulk.

Consolidated materials are then heated and densified to remove encapsulated inert gasses. Densified materials are further size-reduced and blended with additional plastics, then sold for use in foam product manufacturing.

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